HR department functions list

HR department functions list

The Human Resource department is an often overlooked and underrated position in a moving company. The core HR functions include hiring members of staff and movers, insuring that they meet goals and expectations and keeping them in their position. However, these being the core human resource functions, HR is not limited to them. Overall, a HR rep is in charge of the day-to-day schedule and organization. The role is crucial for growth of your moving company.

Recruiting and Specifying

The HR rep has the hire and fire capabilities. You may want to utilize and expand the value of your employees as much as you can, but sometimes a mover or staff member needs to be let go. HR reps troll through applicants and search for the best man for the job by using a key list of responsibilities that will be required. This can be a tedious process for operations managers to take on alone.

Preparing budget and list of back ups

The best functioning HR reps will always make plans that will help analyze the modern market and make decisions based off it. HRD staff always needs to prepare for any gaps that occur via placement of substitutes. For this reason, contingent plans are thought out and back up plans are put into effect within the hierarchy of the company.

Performance Awards and Reports

The HRD is in charge of forming a defined and unbiased system for appraising performance for a given period of time. At times there are fixed increments that are awarded and define standards for each level of rating. The function of this is very necessary to provide a fair and honest award, and can help the decision for a future promotion if that is being looked into. For each staff member, they will be done individually.

In certain situations, incentives may only be given to the best performers, which can help bring up the productivity of your staff into being the best they can be. The HRD keeps track of employee expectations and maintains diligent organization to ensure the companies productivity.

Staff Training

If you’re moving company has a competitive field environment, than it is important to provide the best and most efficient ways to service the industry. This can only be done with thorough and intricate training. To meet market demand and provide and effective service, staff training is one of the most important things that an HR must do.