Changing Driving Laws Across all 50 states

Changing Driving Laws Across all 50 states

Although a valid driver’s license is accepted all across the United States, bad individual driving habits are not. All over the country, police are cracking down on everything from which lane you drive in to the use of your cell phone. Before you jump into your truck and hit the road, you need to educate yourself in the changing driving laws. Although it varies from state to state, they’re all cracking down on some, if not all of the following laws.

Seatbelts – This is a common one, all 50 states enforce the seatbelt rule. The only difference is that some states consider it a primary law, or secondary law. A primary seatbelt law means that you can be ticketed for just the seatbelt without any other violation. The secondary seatbelt law means that you can only be ticketed if there is a violation from some other speculation or conduct. Get the specific seatbelt laws here

Speed limits – This is an obvious problem. Never assume the speed limit. It is up to you, the driver, to be watchful and obey any posted speed limit signs. If you are in doubt of the speed limit, slower is always better than faster. Get the specific speed limit laws here

Use of cell phones – Nearly every state has some restrictions with either talking or texting while driving. States vary on the degree of penalty from primary to secondary. For more information on cell phone state regulations click here

Minimum driving age – If you plan on having a driving assistant that is 18 or under, make sure that you do research on the states restrictions. Some states will not allow night driving, or a specific number of passengers. Get more state driving age information by clicking here

Carpool Lanes – The carpool lanes are typically limited to sections of the interstate that fall into city limits. These lanes typically require 2 – 3 passengers per vehicle. This number can vary however, from the type of vehicle, the time of the day, and various other factors. Carpool lanes are normally marked and clearly visible, but it is still a good idea to check and to make sure. The last thing you will need is being shut down in a large city for being in the wrong lane.