Category: Accounting

Proper Paperwork Can Protect Your Moving Business

Proper Paperwork Can Protect Your Moving Business

Getting the proper paperwork completed for a job can save your business money. Paperwork left incomplete and unsigned can result in a company not only facing fines, but also they might be liable for full valuation costs if some damage occurs to a customer’s goods.

Philadelphia Labor Law Changes

Philadelphia Labor Law Changes

Understanding all of the rules and regulations of running a business is never easy as they change from state to state. Now in Philadelphia, the government is preparing to change some of the labor regulations and this could cause some business issues with regard to employment.

What Your Business Needs to Do to Succeed Part 2

What Your Business Needs to Do to Succeed Part 2

As with every business, there are areas of your moving business that you can help to maintain and grow for a strong foundation. Knowing how to move forward and develop as a business is just as important to the success of the company as running it from day to day.

FMCSA Improving the Accuracy of Citation Data

FMCSA Improving the Accuracy of Citation Data

Many organizations and companies have campaigned for a change in the process of FMCSA citations. Charges that are later dismissed or found not guilty are not being removed, nor is the data amended to show the actual result of the citation. This can prevent the business in question from obtaining further work when other businesses having access to this inaccurate information.

Dispute Over Independent Contractors

Dispute Over Independent Contractors

A case dating back to 2009 is set for review at the Supreme Court in the US. This case could set a precedent for the future. Now this case must come to some conclusion and the moving businesses in Arizona are awaiting the results to see if it will affect their businesses long-term.

Making Business Count

Making Business Count

Your business needs to consider all aspects of day-to-day activities in order to grow. Focusing on the customers as well as you employees and investing in technology can be key. Each plays a vital roll is making your business the best it can be. It is important in any business that you to treat customers and employees with the respect they deserve.

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