Category: Managers

The Positive Side Of Moving Claims

The Positive Side Of Moving Claims

It is easy to understand that working in a claims department is a very difficult job. People are going to vent their frustration and anger at the problem and often they don’t know where else to turn to for help. This is just one reason why a claims department needs to train their staff by teaching the best way to show these customers that you do care and you are there to put the situation right.

IAM Survey Results For 2014

IAM Survey Results For 2014

It is important for moving companies to see an overall picture of the industry to find out as a whole how it is progressing. It can highlight the areas that might be seeing a reduction in growth or, alternatively, improvement each year. A survey of the moving industry is offered to all members of the IAM and the results play an important factor in seeing if businesses are moving forward after a few difficult years.

Get Your Business Ready for Windows 10

Get Your Business Ready for Windows 10

As any business owner knows, it is important that you are ready to take your business into the future by growing and developing as a moving business. However, there is an even faster paced future growth than probably many people could have ever envisioned. A technology you should consider is Microsoft Windows 10 for your business.

Do Not Underinsure Your Possessions Before Moving

Do Not Underinsure Your Possessions Before Moving

Don’t cut costs in a move especially if it relates to your insurance. Often it is difficult to put a value on the possessions that you own, but under insurance could spell disaster if anything does go wrong in a move. As a mover, ensure your potential customer is fully aware of the commitment that it takes to assess the true value of the possessions they own.

The Barcode Conundrum

The Barcode Conundrum

Tracking the items for different customers in the moving business is not easy. The concept of using barcoding seems like a great idea in theory, but it has seen its fair share of problems. The question as to the best way to read and identify containers and connecting this to the owner is difficult. The idea of using barcodes is great. However, being able to read the information quickly is the area that suffers the most.

How to Handle Damages with Cash or Repair

How to Handle Damages with Cash or Repair

As a moving business, it is important to accept that inevitably an accident will happen with an item of furniture where it gets damaged. After all, your services requires customers’ items to move from one location to the next, which has risk. The question that you must ask is do you pay the customer for the damaged item, or, do you find out first if the item of furniture is repairable?

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