Category: Managers

How to deal with damage claims – On site

It’s inevitable, at some point in time, damages will happen on a job. You need to have a standard, clear and consistent way to handle your damage claims, whether they are real, or imagined. The following are tips on how to deal with every negative element that a damage claim can put fourth.

Do you suck as a Boss? 10 Steps to being Better

Being a boss can be very difficult. But it can be especially bad if you are the boss and aren’t respected, are bad at managing your staff or are disliked. What are some preventative measures or steps you can take to become a better boss? If you’re an ultimate authority, or just a simple manager, try these –

Correctly Manage and Leverage your Moving Crew

Running a successful moving crew can be a difficult task. The daily hardships range from the capacity of available movers to the available resources. In order to manage the hardships effectively, use this simple equation: quantity of work in a day + quantity of resources + quantity of workers = the amount of work needed in a day.

Networking your Moving Company

If you own a moving company, chances are that you have done some form of marketing for your business, whether that is billboards or word of mouth marketing. As a moving business owner, many find that the most cost-effective form of marketing is networking. The best way to get to know someone, other than directly working with them is to network out to them.

Enhance your Warehouse Effectiveness using the RFID

A RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. They can be used to transmit the location of an item, crate or storage unit via wireless radio waves. RFID’s are in use all around businesses. If you have ever got pumped your gas with a SpeedPass, or have ever placed an ID tag on a pet, then you have used an RFID. The RFID does not require a direct line of sight or contact for communication and can be read through the human body, through clothing and even non-metallic materials.

Changing Driving Laws Across all 50 states

Although a valid driver’s license is accepted all across the United States, bad individual driving habits are not. All over the country, police are cracking down on everything from which lane you drive in to the use of your cell phone. Before you jump into your truck and hit the road, you need to educate yourself in the changing driving laws. Although it varies from state to state, they’re all cracking down on some, if not all of the following laws.

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