Archive: June, 2015

Protect Your Identity When You Move

Protect Your Identity When You Move

As moving business owners, it is important to help protect your client’s interests. You can do this by providing information on how to protect protect themselves from identity theft. It is not something you might naturally think of when moving, but it is extremely important that you protect your identity. Moving is a vulnerable time, but letting your guard slip could lead to your identity ending up in the wrong hands.

Changes to the Highways and Transit Bill to Improve Safety

Changes to the Highways and Transit Bill to Improve Safety

As with all government bodies, the FMCSA is always looking to ensure the safety of the people using the highways across America, and this includes commercial drivers too. They are looking to address some of the issues that the AMSA and their members have campaigned for, mainly a change in the law to make the situation as fair as possible.

Criteria Checked for Sleep Apnea by the FMCSA

Criteria Checked for Sleep Apnea by the FMCSA

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) can seriously affect a person’s ability to drive.  A person can’t fall asleep at the wheel because it is an accident waiting to happen. The FMCSA has issued an informative bulletin, which highlights and clarifies its position on the difficult subject of sleep apnea. In 2000, the FMCSA released the criteria […]

AMSA Annual Conference Hailed A Success

AMSA Annual Conference Hailed A Success

Over 600 people attended AMSA’s annual conference, held in Orlando this year, representing parts of the moving industry from across America. Each year there are speakers who address the AMSA members, including companies that want to show off their products and services. However, the most important aspect for the members is the award ceremonies.

The Positive Affect of Housing Industry Growth

The Positive Affect of Housing Industry Growth

The moving and storage industries felt the pinch when the recession hit and families could no longer afford to move up the housing ladder. Some families were even made homeless as the banks took possession of their homes. This led to the financial crisis that rocked the economy. However, it is possible that the housing industry is now making positive steps in the right direction for the future.

Military Driver Training Center Can Solve Truck Driver Shortages

Military Driver Training Center Can Solve Truck Driver Shortages

We know that we have a shortage of drivers in the commercial sector who have the right qualifications. We also have many men and women from the military looking for work. Giving job opportunities to those military families after leaving the service is beneficial all around. The opportunity to provide military personnel with civilian qualifications can help the economy. This is just one example of how to help military personnel transition back to civilian life by ensuring that they right training and education. These highly trained individuals are then able to perform their job in the military and also in the civilian workforce.

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