Tag: advice

What is Guerrilla marketing?

The words ‘Guerrilla marketing’ are a phrase coined and defined by author and marketing expert, Jay Conrad. The term has since entered the popular vocabulary to also describe aggressive, unconventional marketing methods generally. Typically, guerrilla marketing is unexpected, where consumers are often targeted when and where they least expect it, which can make the idea, product or service that’s being marketed more memorable, generate buzz, and even spread virally.

How to deal with Occasionally Negative Employees

There are those in almost every office that ooze negativity. This is probably because they don’t like their jobs, they feel they are being treated or that there home life is in bad shape, whatever the reasons may be, it is infectious. But, sometimes people who are normally positive become negative towards a task or person, and there may even be a legitimate reason that they are angry. There are a few great approaches for dealing with those that aren’t normally negative.

What to do when the inevitable comes: a damage claim

The most important thing to consider when a customer makes a damage claim is what is a fair dollar amount for the damage. For example, breaking a lamp will cost $40, but scratching a hardwood floor will cost $1,500. In order to avoid the more drastic and expensive damage claims, you need to educate and train your movers what to look out for and be careful of while moving.

Cheap Moving Trucks for Sale

Cheap Moving Trucks for Sale First off, try to visualize the size of the truck that is needed for your moving company. These different lengths include anywhere from 10 feet to 26 feet. Most moving companies are on a fairly tight budget, so you need to get the most out of your wheels. There are […]

4 Reasons why you Should be Friendly with your Competition in the Moving Business

Here are four good ways to make friends with other businesses.

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