Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Work Place

Sexual Harassment in the Work Place

Unfortunately, whether your business is small or large, chances are that if both males and females work together, that there will be the threat of sexual harassment. As the employer or manager, you have a specific responsibility to handle and prevent any sexual harassment in the workplace. The legality of the situation can be dire, so make sure that you look for any and all signs of this common work place problem.

First off, What is Sexual Harassment?

The guidelines made by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the (EEOC) state that sexual harassment is – “[Sexual Harassment is] Unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and/or other verbal or physical conducts of a sexual nature.”

Keep in mind that sexual harassment can affect anyone and is gender-neutral. Men can sexually harass women, and women can sexually harass men. However, statistically more claims are filed by women saying a man has sexually harassed them. Based on any form of sex, people can harass the same sex by crude and overbearing sex talk, photos or by calling another person “gay”.

Take Preventitive measures against Sexual Harassment by doing the following:

1. Have a policy against sexual harassment. In the employee handbook, there should be a policy and section devoted specifically to it.

2. Define Sexual Harassment in the policy.

3. State that it will not be tolerated in any fashion.

4. Have a list of the disciplinary measures that will be taken, and threaten the persons job in the policy. This can be a harsh way to implement the zero tolerance factor, but it must be done.

5. Have a specific procedure an employee can follow in order to file the claim.

6. Investigate the claim and reassure whoever the victim is that it will be taken care of in the best way possible.

7. Assure that no retaliation will be accpeted towards the victim after the claim has been filed.

Depending on how big your moving company is, train your employees about sexual harassment. Have sessions where you educate managers, or supervisors explaining why every employee has the right to work in a sexual harassment free work place. Review how the claim is filed if an employee wishes to file and encourage your higher ups to be on the look out.

Taking these proactive approaches will deminish the amount of sexual harassment in the workplace and will allow people to work in a healthy and professional work environment.