
Tips for a Smooth Move

Making your clients moves as smooth as possible is important, not only for the peace of mind for your client, but for future customers that might come your way. It is therefore, in your best interest of your moving company to ensure that every move is easy for the customer by offering tips on how to properly pack and store items before moving.

The more advice you can give your clients about the move the easier it will be for them. Many people have never moved or have forgotten the little tricks to make it easier.  For example, an essentials kit which should be the last box on the moving truck and the first box off. It needs to hold the items that your customer might need when they first arrive at their new home and the what they might need right up until the last item is packed on the truck.

These items could include:

  • Kettle
  • Cups, enough for the moving guys too
  • Tea and coffee
  • Sugar and milk
  • Spoons, knife and a fork
  • Toilet roll
  • Hand towels
  • An emergency packet of biscuits

Always discuss those items, which are precious to your clients, the ones that are irreplaceable. They might want to take these items with them to ensure they are constantly in the care of the customer. These can include pictures, paperwork, anything that the client may want to hold onto instead of being in the moving company’s vehicle.

It is key that the foreman of the moving team discusses the move with the customer before the truck leaves, to ensure the contact details are correct and an alternative number is available in case of an emergency.

The more information you can give your customer to ensure the success of their move, the more like it is that customer will recommend you and your moving company to potential new customers in the future.  Referrals and recommendations are essential for growing your business.