4 Reasons why you Should be Friendly with your Competition in the Moving Business

Being Friendly with your Competition

If you are a moving company business owner, you probably know that you have two choices when it comes to relationships with other moving company owners. The first choice is to become friends with your competition and your second choice is to completely ignore them. One factor you should bring into consideration before you make your final decision between the two options is to know that there are several advantages to being friends with your competition. Being friends with other businesses can benefit both your business as well as there business.

Here are four good ways to make friends with other businesses.

Number One:

Every Moving Business owner needs to get advice, at some point or another. A lot of times business owners have no clue where to go to get business tips, so they end up performing with a lot of trial and error. More than likely, you have tried to do things on your own and have found it overpowering difficult. Rather than taking that approach, try approaching another small moving business owner for advice. Don’t forget, it works both ways, if they eventually come to you for advice, you will be trading knowledge, and most people are very willing to give you some tips and pointers.

Number Two:

Another thing that small moving company owners can help you with is keeping you up to date with what’s going on in the community. A lot of times, the relationship between business owners consists of enticing conversations such as ‘who is going out of business, who is selling their business, and why’. Having this at your disposal can greatly increase your knowledge of what to do and what not to do. You may also find gossip to be useful, in this way, you can find out what other business owners are doing right, as well as what they’re doing wrong.

Number Three:

If larger businesses start to swallow your market, you may be able to band together with your local moving companies to help protect one another’s business. Even if it is impossible to stop the larger businesses from taking your business, you may still be able to work together to maintain staying open, especially with the knowledge that times are rough.

Number Four:

Stay informed about trends. Talk to other moving companies in different parts of the United States, as well as your local area. Trends, by default, hit the more populated areas first, so if your moving business is on the outskirts of a city, it may be harder to keep up to date. By starting relationships and maintaining relationships you can gain a firm grasp on the newest moving technology or products as soon as they are available.