Category: Fleet

Business Identity Theft

Business Identity Theft

A new wave of identity theft is making its way through the moving industry, business identity theft. Thieves are associating themselves with known companies and using the company as a way to get access to potential clients, misleading them to believe they are dealing with a legitimate company. The FMCSA is looking for ways to combat these criminals and ask companies to do all they can to help and protect themselves.

Changes in Truck Drivers

Changes in Truck Drivers

Changes are occurring in the moving business. It is sad that many of the old practices lost by moving forward are not replacing some of the skills lost as staff members age. It is not an industry that is able to attract the young men and women who are comfortable to sit behind the wheel of a removal vehicle.

New Rules For Short-haul Drivers

New Rules For Short-haul Drivers

Understanding the rules for your drivers and giving that information direct to your fleet drivers is vital in the moving business. Making sure that all your drivers know the regulations they need to adhere to on the roads is important if you are looking after the safety of your team of employees.

Theft on the Increase

Theft on the Increase

A worrying statistic is the increase in the value of goods that are stolen from Moving Trucks. Protecting trucks against this crime is extremely difficult, due to the nature of the moving business. But what is important as a business, is that you are protected as best you can.

Getting the Code Of Ethics Right

Getting the Code Of Ethics Right

Getting the code of ethics right is important in the moving business. Customers need to be protected as well as their property and the passing of information from business to client is the only way that this can be ensured. The customer should feel part of the moving procedure and kept informed of the progress.

Dealing with Complex Moving Software

Dealing with Complex Moving Software

Getting your moving software right is the main focus of your job as the owner. It is there to help to bring all the areas of the business together. But there are some software options that can be more work than they are worth, for your staff to use to save them time and the company money.

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