Category: Operations/Dispatch

DOT Issues the Final Ruling: Banning Cell Phone Use

This past January, the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) issued a final ruling restricting the use of mobile telephones by interstate commercial motor vehicle drivers. Under the new set of regulations, drivers are not permitted to reach for, dial or answer a mobile phone while on the road. The new ruling, while greatly restricting mobile phone use, does not affect the use of hands free devices. Tools like CB Radios, GPS and Fleet Management systems are also being excluded from the ban.

25 tips to have fun at your moving company

Whether you are an owner, manager, mover, HR, accounting, assistant, everyone needs to take a minute…or 10 a day to just have a little bit of fun. Break that manotany and have a bit of fun, movingbusiness.nets orders.

Being the Worker you need to be during a Personal Crisis

If you have owned, or managed or worked at a moving company for an extended period of time, then you know that the hardest time to stay focused is when there is a personal crisis. No matter what it is, illness, a death, marital issues, etc, it can throw you off and decrease your motivation and workflow. It is not unreasonable to take time off when you are struggling, however it can get to a point where it just becomes procrastination.

Difference between a great moving company and a terrible moving company

Regardless of how much money your company makes every year, or how great your customer, you can still own a terrible moving company. A terrible moving company can have great numbers and excellent customer service, but house some of the unhappiest employees a company can have.

6 steps to Stop Office Gossip

Understand what office Gossip is. There is a big difference between friendly office chit-chat and gossip. Understanding the difference is imperative.
Difference: Friendly office chit-chat does not pick someone apart, but merely references general information about them in a supportive manner. With friendly banter, the speaker is not trying to either backstab, insult, humiliate, or demean someone.

Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Work Place

Unfortunately, whether your business is small or large, chances are that if both males and females work together, that there will be the threat of sexual harassment. As the employer or manager, you have a specific responsibility to handle and prevent any sexual harassment in the workplace. The legality of the situation can be dire, so make sure that you look for any and all signs of this common work place problem.

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