Category: Tips

Ensure the Future of Your Moving Business

Ensure the Future of Your Moving Business

As a moving company it is important to know what you need to do to stay in business, it is vital that you have a plan for the future and know where you are heading and the paths you need to take to get there. A great example of moving forward and looking to the future is the AMSA.

The Right Way To Pack

The Right Way To Pack

Understanding the importance of packing is key to a successful move. It might seem like a hassle to pack your belongings or to have a moving team pack for you, but if you consider the bigger picture, it makes sense to let the trained professionals do the packing for you to minimize the potential damage to your belongings.

Advice from Debbie Morales The Claims Professional

Advice from Debbie Morales The Claims Professional

If you know the moving industry, you might have had the pleasure in meeting Debbie Morales, owner of Metro Claims and Relocations Service International. The only job she hasn’t experienced in the moving business is actually driving the trucks. This allows Debbie to truly understand the business and makes her an expert on everything that a moving company is involved with. However, Debbie runs a successful business in furniture restoration, accidents happen and items will suffer damage; this damage needs assessing in a short time-frame as to the possibility of repair.

The Positive Side Of Moving Claims

The Positive Side Of Moving Claims

It is easy to understand that working in a claims department is a very difficult job. People are going to vent their frustration and anger at the problem and often they don’t know where else to turn to for help. This is just one reason why a claims department needs to train their staff by teaching the best way to show these customers that you do care and you are there to put the situation right.

Get Your Business Ready for Windows 10

Get Your Business Ready for Windows 10

As any business owner knows, it is important that you are ready to take your business into the future by growing and developing as a moving business. However, there is an even faster paced future growth than probably many people could have ever envisioned. A technology you should consider is Microsoft Windows 10 for your business.

How to Inform Customers on Insurance Before the Move

How to Inform Customers on Insurance Before the Move

Ensuring that a client has chosen the correct insurance is important to help minimize the costs to them if something does happen to their belongings. It can’t prevent the loss of personal possessions, but it can offer compensation to ensure the customer is reimbursed for the loss or damage of their property.

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