Tag: moving business

6 steps to Stop Office Gossip

Understand what office Gossip is. There is a big difference between friendly office chit-chat and gossip. Understanding the difference is imperative.
Difference: Friendly office chit-chat does not pick someone apart, but merely references general information about them in a supportive manner. With friendly banter, the speaker is not trying to either backstab, insult, humiliate, or demean someone.

14 ways to stay focused and productive

Your making a lot of head room with your work, you’ve got a lot to do, but at this pace, you may be done by the end of the day, but then you see a bird out the window. Even simple things can be distracting, your not sure why random things get your attention but they do. Did you know that on average that it takes 20 minutes to get back where you left off? If you have 10 distractions a day, it can take you over 3 hours a day to simply get back into the swing. Thats a chunk of time.

Do you suck as a Boss? 10 Steps to being Better

Being a boss can be very difficult. But it can be especially bad if you are the boss and aren’t respected, are bad at managing your staff or are disliked. What are some preventative measures or steps you can take to become a better boss? If you’re an ultimate authority, or just a simple manager, try these –

10 Customer Service Pitfalls

1: Beware of Interrupting

Do your best to never interrupt a customer. They may become upset if while they are explaining a problem, you interrupt with a solution. If you feel that you do need to speak while they are, cut to the chase of what you think the problem is, but stage it as a question. Through this route, the customer can either confirm or deny its relevance, and you will also save time.

Networking your Moving Company

If you own a moving company, chances are that you have done some form of marketing for your business, whether that is billboards or word of mouth marketing. As a moving business owner, many find that the most cost-effective form of marketing is networking. The best way to get to know someone, other than directly working with them is to network out to them.

How is Valuation Coverage and Moving Insurance figured

Valuation Coverage and Moving Insurance Every moving business is required by state regulations to use two types of coverage to customers for out of state moving. The first coverage is called the Released Value Protection coverage; the going rate for this is about 60 cents a pound. This means that you will be reimbursed for […]

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