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Save the Environment! Go Green on your Move

At some point in time or another, everyone eventually moves and some people handle it with great attention and preparation. However, most people are not aware of the environment when moving. For those who feel that it is important to move in an eco-friendly manner, consider these tips and abide by them as much as possible.

Changing Driving Laws Across all 50 states

Although a valid driver’s license is accepted all across the United States, bad individual driving habits are not. All over the country, police are cracking down on everything from which lane you drive in to the use of your cell phone. Before you jump into your truck and hit the road, you need to educate yourself in the changing driving laws. Although it varies from state to state, they’re all cracking down on some, if not all of the following laws.

Caught on film! Workers Compensation Fraud

The employer had suspicions that this man’s back injury was not as debilitating as he said it was in his workers’ compensation claim. They hired CIC to conduct surveillance and we immediately found that he was not home during the morning hours. We then scheduled an early-morning surveillance and discovered that he was working for another company as a furniture deliveryman. Oddly enough, he claimed that his back injury was so severe that he couldn’t even ride in a dump truck. He was obviously being dishonest. Many times, with this type of case, we will pass on our evidence on to the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation so they can use it to file fraud charges against the individual.

Avoid the Stress of Moving

As you get ready to relocate, it may feel as if you are going through two moves: moving to your new house and moving out of your present one.

It may sometimes feel like you are being taken in two different directions when the pressure of your pending move continues to rise. Fortunately, here are various tips on how you can relax and keep a calm that will ultimately help you decrease your moving stress.

7 Steps of Franchising your Moving Company

Step One: See if Your Company is Ready

The first concern to ask yourself is whether your moving business is suitable for a franchise. Beyond having a good reputation of revenue and earnings at your current moving business, there are several aspects you will need to prepare yourself with.

Consider your idea. Most excellent business principles offer something acquainted, but with some exclusive perspectives to it. The idea has to have charm to both clients and to potential franchisees. Furthermore, the company needs to be something you can systematize and duplicate, not something that needs your personal contact everyday to be effective.

Reducing your Moving Anxiety

High levels of stress can happen at any point in time with life, but sometimes it may be so extreme that you consider not moving at all. If this is the case, then making plans help yourself decrease your stress levels and make it an easy going move.

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