

future star

Gen Y Employees: The Future Leaders of Moving Companies

Gen Y Employees: The Future Leaders of Moving Companies With a new generation comes a new group of employees. Today, pressure of developing today’s employees into tomorrow’s leaders is increasingly glaring. Why is the training so important? With different sets of skills than the previous generation, they can provide a competitive advantage. However, group characteristics […]

Top 5 Signs You Have Hired a Rogue Mover

When doing research about other moving companies and the industry in general, I sometimes stumble upon online journals, blogs and chats- dedicated to avoiding a horrible moving experience. Moving scams are so common there is even a website devoted to outing these rogue movers ( What is surprising is that there are several really obvious – large neon sign – warnings that customers choose to look over when shopping around. Here are the top 5 signs you have hired a rogue mover:

moving time

How Long Should Your Moving Company Take?

How Long Should Your Moving Company Take? Moving can be a hassle and time-consuming for everyone, no matter who they are. Planning for a move is important because bad planning and insufficient time can cause delays, stress, and most importantly excessive expenses. Sometimes there are simply too many variables to handle on your own. In […]

federal Tax

Tax Relief for Moving Company Fleets

Tax Relief for Moving Company Fleets If you manage fleets for small or medium-sized businesses, you know that taxes can take a toll on your margins. Fortunately, Congress recently passed the “American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012”, a new law that provides tax relief in several different ways. The changes include extensions to multiple tax […]

5 Ways to Keep Your Back Safe While Moving

As a professional mover, a strong back is your greatest asset, so keeping it safe and injury free should be your main priority. Most people know to lift with their knees and not their back and also to wear a back support; but knowing how you are most likely to hurt your back during the day is the best way to keep your back safe on or off the job. That being said, here are five ways to keep your back safe while working in removals:

Boost Self-Storage Operations

The quest to boost self-storage facility’s operations seems endless for managers, who often look for ways to ensure that their facility runs successfully and with ease. Right from interacting with customers either face-to face or through the phone, meeting monthly occupancy and sales goals as well as marketing their facility, self-storage managers sure know their duties and how to make the most of their facility.

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