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Moving Statistics Show Vast Differences in a Short Time

Every year we see significant changes and developments within the moving industry. In fact, the moving industry is one of the largest industry’s in the world, moving over 43 million American’s alone, a year. But, it’s always interesting to note why Americans move, and where they are moving to, and seeing those statistics can help prepare local moving businesses better accommodate their clients.

As of the most recent moving survey that was conducted in 2009, the most common reason that Americans move, at the top of the list with 14.5%, is people simply were moving because they desired a better home or apartment.  This was also the top reason for the survey that was conducted in 2001, when 30.5% of people were moving. The least percentage in regards to reasoning for moves as of the 2009 survey, was 0.36% which resulted from people whose homes had been either obliterated or affected by a natural disaster. Whereas in 2001, the least percentage of movers was for reasoning of the loss of a spouse (3%).

So, where are all these people moving to? And perhaps more intriguing, where are they moving from? The top three states that experienced the greatest percentages of inbound shipments in 2010 were: Alaska, Vermont and Oregon. Interestingly, in 2005, it seemed as if people were seeking warmer climates as the top three states of inbound shipments were: Florida, Texas and California. The top three states that showed the highest numbers of household goods being moved from, in 2010, were: Michigan, New Jersey and Illinois. As opposed to 2001, where we saw the top three states being: California, Florida, and Texas.

It is interesting to note how very different changes can occur withing the moving industry. From people’s reasons to move, to where they are moving to, as well as where they are moving from. Paying close attention to these particular statistics can be highly beneficial to those in the moving industry, as their company’s can be greatly affected by these drastic fluctuations.