Archive: June, 2012

Do you suck as a Boss? 10 Steps to being Better

Being a boss can be very difficult. But it can be especially bad if you are the boss and aren’t respected, are bad at managing your staff or are disliked. What are some preventative measures or steps you can take to become a better boss? If you’re an ultimate authority, or just a simple manager, try these –

What to do when the inevitable comes: a damage claim

The most important thing to consider when a customer makes a damage claim is what is a fair dollar amount for the damage. For example, breaking a lamp will cost $40, but scratching a hardwood floor will cost $1,500. In order to avoid the more drastic and expensive damage claims, you need to educate and train your movers what to look out for and be careful of while moving.

10 Customer Service Pitfalls

1: Beware of Interrupting

Do your best to never interrupt a customer. They may become upset if while they are explaining a problem, you interrupt with a solution. If you feel that you do need to speak while they are, cut to the chase of what you think the problem is, but stage it as a question. Through this route, the customer can either confirm or deny its relevance, and you will also save time.

How to deal with Copy Cats

So someone has copied your moving company idea, whether it be your business plan, plan of action, incentive program, etc… As we know, it makes you angry. However, know that if someone is copying your idea that means that you are doing something right and you should be flattered. But how do you deal with copy cats? Try these three main strategies for fighting the idea thief or copycat.

Correctly Manage and Leverage your Moving Crew

Running a successful moving crew can be a difficult task. The daily hardships range from the capacity of available movers to the available resources. In order to manage the hardships effectively, use this simple equation: quantity of work in a day + quantity of resources + quantity of workers = the amount of work needed in a day.

Surviving the Summer

The summer is coming, you can feel it. The temperature is sky rocketing, the grass is greener and the jobs are crazier. Many movers overlook how important it is to stock up and prepare for the work. There are cases every year of heat stroke, dehydration, and sometimes even death due to the heat.

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