Category: Managers

The IAM Working to Improve the Moving Industry

The IAM Working to Improve the Moving Industry

The IAM annual conference that took place recently covered many important items affecting moving businesses. Along with appointing two new board members, IAM focused on solving problems and addressing issues that those in attendance wanted to hear about including legal requirements and industry updates.

Encouraging Young Professionals in Moving

Encouraging Young Professionals in Moving

The IAM is proud of the work that happens to introduce young people into the moving companies across America. Young professionals are after all, going to be the future for all these companies. What is important is giving these young people the support and encouragement they need to develop and grow, by meeting new people and discovering the exciting career they are embarking upon.

FMCSA Discusses Rules and Regulations Affecting Moving Businesses

FMCSA Discusses Rules and Regulations Affecting Moving Businesses

You would be surprised by the different factors that can affect the moving companies across America. This is why a quarterly conference of the FMCSA occurs to discuss these issues. With that thought in mind, FMCSA reviewed the Protect Your Move, PYM, which educates those people who are looking to use a moving company and ensures they are fully aware of their rights and their responsibilities when it comes to the actual movement of their property.

How the FMCSA Driver Volunteer Program Will Impact Your Business

How the FMCSA Driver Volunteer Program Will Impact Your Business

It is important to understand the impact that driving programs can have on the driver and the business when changes come into force from the government. Your ability to drive and the information you need to provide often change. This can impact the driver’s ability to earn money, but there is a safety factor that must take high priority before any changes are implemented.

Going Green Is A Possibility For Your Moving Business

Going Green Is A Possibility For Your Moving Business

With a higher proportion of consumers looking to use businesses that care for the environment, green is the trend of the future. Consumers want this but not as an extra charge for this service. Making your business green and affordable is a possibility, if you are looking for a long-term success rate and growth in your business.

IAM Meeting Military Representatives Addressed Issues

IAM Meeting Military Representatives Addressed Issues

The IAM’s annual meeting in Florida was a great success. This year the U.S Government representatives attended unlike the previous year when budget restrictions prevented any attendance and the only option was to have a Skype link set up. All representatives discussed areas that are associated with their individual departments and interacted with the other members in attendance throughout the annual meeting.

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