Category: Managers

How Much Software does your Moving Business Need?

MovePoint Software has always had the best reputation when it comes to making big moving companies even bigger. But on July 4th 2012, MovePoint Software tried something new. We had our first ever Independence Day promotion, and a new, faint voice was heard under the large corporations. Smaller and younger moving companies gave outstanding feedback and suggestions as to how MovePoint can help them, too.

How to deal with Occasionally Negative Employees

There are those in almost every office that ooze negativity. This is probably because they don’t like their jobs, they feel they are being treated or that there home life is in bad shape, whatever the reasons may be, it is infectious. But, sometimes people who are normally positive become negative towards a task or person, and there may even be a legitimate reason that they are angry. There are a few great approaches for dealing with those that aren’t normally negative.

DOT Issues the Final Ruling: Banning Cell Phone Use

This past January, the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) issued a final ruling restricting the use of mobile telephones by interstate commercial motor vehicle drivers. Under the new set of regulations, drivers are not permitted to reach for, dial or answer a mobile phone while on the road. The new ruling, while greatly restricting mobile phone use, does not affect the use of hands free devices. Tools like CB Radios, GPS and Fleet Management systems are also being excluded from the ban.

6 Tips for Improving Cash Flow

Your small moving business can be a total success or a total failure based on cash flow. Cash flow is the blood of any small business. You need to have a lot of money coming in to make up for all of your company’s expenses. If you aren’t receiving any money but you have to pay bills, your company will not grow. The amount of input needs to be greater than the amount of output in order to grow, hence increasing cash flow. To increase cash flow, you simply need to collect your receivable as fast as possible while slowing down your payables as slow as possible. It sounds a lot simpler than it actually is, so below are some tips to improve your business’ cash flow.

25 tips to have fun at your moving company

Whether you are an owner, manager, mover, HR, accounting, assistant, everyone needs to take a minute…or 10 a day to just have a little bit of fun. Break that manotany and have a bit of fun, movingbusiness.nets orders.

Here’s a Nice House Warming Gift – Gypsy Moths!

If you own, work or manage a moving company, than you know how much of a nuisance that gypsy moths can be. Relocation is one of the lead causes of the spread of these fast growing and disgusting moths. Gypsy moths can literally strip the leaves off of trees and shrubs around your house, in fact the moth is responsible for changing the landscape for 19 states, and counting.

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