Category: Movers

Surviving the Summer

The summer is coming, you can feel it. The temperature is sky rocketing, the grass is greener and the jobs are crazier. Many movers overlook how important it is to stock up and prepare for the work. There are cases every year of heat stroke, dehydration, and sometimes even death due to the heat.

Lifting Technique Training Videos

The Do’s and Dont’s of lifting heavy objects.

4 safety tips for lifting heavy objects

4 safety tips for lifting heavy objects Safety measures need to be taken in order to not injury yourself during a move. Physical injuries from lifting can last a lifetime, so precautionary methods must be taken to insure your safety. If you calculate all the doctor bills, prescription medications and physical therapy, you will see […]

Avoid Theft from your Movers

Let’s face it; there is no way for a professional moving company to completely ensure the safety of your possessions from being lost or stolen. Though there are many different types of coverage’s and insurances in place on your move, it can still be scary to trust even the professionals with your belongings. Moving companies hire all different types of individuals and although they do their best to hire trustworthy individuals, sometimes untrustworthy people slip through the cracks.

Caught on film! Workers Compensation Fraud

The employer had suspicions that this man’s back injury was not as debilitating as he said it was in his workers’ compensation claim. They hired CIC to conduct surveillance and we immediately found that he was not home during the morning hours. We then scheduled an early-morning surveillance and discovered that he was working for another company as a furniture deliveryman. Oddly enough, he claimed that his back injury was so severe that he couldn’t even ride in a dump truck. He was obviously being dishonest. Many times, with this type of case, we will pass on our evidence on to the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation so they can use it to file fraud charges against the individual.

Pre and Post Trip Vehicle Inspections

No moving company can go any where with out wheels, so it is essential to maintain a consistent and daily upkeep of appearance and function. Pre Trip and Post Trip vehicle inspections can be done by your driver or crew foreman 10 to 15 minutes prior to departure.

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