Category: Movers

Almost got away with it!

Theft is an extremely common occurence in small moving businesses. However, it is rare when you have theft to this degree at your Moving Company. The following is a true story about an employee, who we will call Scott, and all of the shadey things that he did to a local independent moving company.

How to reduce employee theft

Moving Companies have an extensive amount of supplies. If you do the math with how much each pad, dolly, four wheeler and strap costs and then mulitply it by the number of trucks that you have in your fleet, chances are its a chunk of change. If you are a small moving company, than you run an even higher risk of being stolen from by your employees. But dont fret, there are ways to minimize the chance.

Items Movers can not take

As nice as it would be to be able to pack everything in a customers house to take and load on the truck, there are some items that should not be taken. Even the most professional mover can not guarantee that there will be nothing that will tip over in a box or the truck. By not taking the following items, you will decrease your chances of damages.

6 steps to Stop Office Gossip

Understand what office Gossip is. There is a big difference between friendly office chit-chat and gossip. Understanding the difference is imperative.
Difference: Friendly office chit-chat does not pick someone apart, but merely references general information about them in a supportive manner. With friendly banter, the speaker is not trying to either backstab, insult, humiliate, or demean someone.

Need to find a moving company? Good Luck

Moving companies this year have had a decrease in the available number of drivers and movers in the state of Ohio due to the economy slightly improving, making it difficult to find a moving company to move your belongings with out a months or more notice. But, not only are customers waiting longer to get their move scheduled but they are also paying an estimated 10% more for the service.

Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Work Place

Unfortunately, whether your business is small or large, chances are that if both males and females work together, that there will be the threat of sexual harassment. As the employer or manager, you have a specific responsibility to handle and prevent any sexual harassment in the workplace. The legality of the situation can be dire, so make sure that you look for any and all signs of this common work place problem.

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