Category: Movers

MovePoint Independence Day Special + Discounts and More!

The first deal MovePoint is doing is for their Basics Business Package. Going from $285 all the way down to $190 per month, you are able to save 35% on this deal. Businesses will be able to use data storage and backups, scheduling, estimating, and develop reports along with several other important features.

Poison: 3 ways Negative Employees can destroy your company

In every company there are groups of employees that work together frequently toward a common goal. However, when there is one, or several, negative people/person, it can effect the whole groups ability to complete the job. Whether the person is complaining about other people, or gossiping about rumors, it can be effective and counter productive. Though it may be obvious to some, here are 3 ways that a negative person can affect a group.

How to deal with damage claims – On site

It’s inevitable, at some point in time, damages will happen on a job. You need to have a standard, clear and consistent way to handle your damage claims, whether they are real, or imagined. The following are tips on how to deal with every negative element that a damage claim can put fourth.

10 ways to deal with an angry customer

We have all been in this situation, the customer is so angry that they are practically spiting fire. Most of us have been left clueless as to what to do and some of us have contributed to the fire. Here are 10 ways to deal with a customer who is angry with your moving services.

10 Customer Service Pitfalls

1: Beware of Interrupting

Do your best to never interrupt a customer. They may become upset if while they are explaining a problem, you interrupt with a solution. If you feel that you do need to speak while they are, cut to the chase of what you think the problem is, but stage it as a question. Through this route, the customer can either confirm or deny its relevance, and you will also save time.

Correctly Manage and Leverage your Moving Crew

Running a successful moving crew can be a difficult task. The daily hardships range from the capacity of available movers to the available resources. In order to manage the hardships effectively, use this simple equation: quantity of work in a day + quantity of resources + quantity of workers = the amount of work needed in a day.

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