Category: Marketing

Being the Worker you need to be during a Personal Crisis

If you have owned, or managed or worked at a moving company for an extended period of time, then you know that the hardest time to stay focused is when there is a personal crisis. No matter what it is, illness, a death, marital issues, etc, it can throw you off and decrease your motivation and workflow. It is not unreasonable to take time off when you are struggling, however it can get to a point where it just becomes procrastination.

4 Website Mistakes that will hurt your business

The internet is a customer’s information source. Every small business needs to utilize the internet by gaining attention. Simply having a website isn’t enough; it must be created in a way that will grow your business and develop internet presence. You need to look better than the other moving company’s website that they just visited. Avoiding these four common website mistakes is the key to internet success.

Why Small Business trumps Big Business

Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot that small moving companies can learn from big moving companies, and ironically it can work in both ways. As you grow your small business, realize that big business isnt always the best way to go and that your small moving company can have big business practices in place and still trump big companies.

Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Work Place

Unfortunately, whether your business is small or large, chances are that if both males and females work together, that there will be the threat of sexual harassment. As the employer or manager, you have a specific responsibility to handle and prevent any sexual harassment in the workplace. The legality of the situation can be dire, so make sure that you look for any and all signs of this common work place problem.

MovePoint Independence Day Special + Discounts and More!

The first deal MovePoint is doing is for their Basics Business Package. Going from $285 all the way down to $190 per month, you are able to save 35% on this deal. Businesses will be able to use data storage and backups, scheduling, estimating, and develop reports along with several other important features.

Poison: 3 ways Negative Employees can destroy your company

In every company there are groups of employees that work together frequently toward a common goal. However, when there is one, or several, negative people/person, it can effect the whole groups ability to complete the job. Whether the person is complaining about other people, or gossiping about rumors, it can be effective and counter productive. Though it may be obvious to some, here are 3 ways that a negative person can affect a group.

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