Category: Statistics and Trends

Office Christmas Inspiration

Office Christmas Inspiration It’s starting to get cold, commercials have the sleigh bells and holiday specials, people are already purchasing gifts in bulk, Christmas is well on it’s way. Decorating your office with Christmas decorations can lift spirits and moral, plus it’s fun. The following video will help inspire you to decorate this holiday season […]

Why networking outweighs scheduling obstacles

Often times you will hear people express how family obligations have interfered with their ability to attend business meetings or seminars. Due to this, a large-scale survey on gender issues in networking was conducted.

What is Guerrilla marketing?

The words ‘Guerrilla marketing’ are a phrase coined and defined by author and marketing expert, Jay Conrad. The term has since entered the popular vocabulary to also describe aggressive, unconventional marketing methods generally. Typically, guerrilla marketing is unexpected, where consumers are often targeted when and where they least expect it, which can make the idea, product or service that’s being marketed more memorable, generate buzz, and even spread virally.

Cheap Advertising for Start-Ups

For advertising to be effective in creating brand awareness for your products or services, it needs be done regularly. Given the high cost of advertising, even large companies find it hard to develop successful advertising campaigns, despite their deep pockets and huge marketing budgets. And with the avalanche of ads everywhere (on every imaginable billboard, empty wall of a building, and even cars) it has become increasingly more difficult to attract the attention of consumers. People are simply over run with ads!

4 things your moving company website needs

In the business world, you only get one chance to make a good first impression. With the day and age, the information super highway is directly at our fingertips. With that in mind, your website needs to look legitimate and leave a lasting impression. The following is a list of 4 things that every moving company website needs in order to leave the impression that’s needed for them to pick up the phone and dial you.

HR department functions list

The Human Resource department is an often overlooked and underrated position in a moving company. The core HR functions include hiring members of staff and movers, insuring that they meet goals and expectations and keeping them in their position. However, these being the core human resource functions, HR is not limited to them. Overall, a HR rep is in charge of the day-to-day schedule and organization. The role is crucial for growth of your moving company.

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